沐鸣代理招商_点亮全球 | 追逐黑暗,IALD邀你来一
编辑:www.dgjgzx.com 日期:2020-03-07 14:51:27 / 人气:
Connect the world with light,Light up the world with love,3.19Be in light!Come and witness, an online feast of light and shadow!Join us!Light to hope.Pray for China!
Chase the Dark :
19 March 2020
Starting at Dusk Wherever You Are
Theme:One Beam of Light
Chase the Dark, our one-night global celebration of light that begins in Australia and makes its way across each time zone moving west, is on the March equinox!
报名Sign up
- 3月10日前请提交报名信息。
- 报名方式:提交报名信息至event@iald.org.cn,或公众号后台留言所需信息为:城市、姓名、公司/机构、电话、邮箱,请注明是个人参加或团队参与。
- 报名成功的人员将会收到官方宣传专属配图。
- 3月19日,太阳落山后可自行在社交网站上进行发布,作品可以提前进行安排制作,社交账号是个人或机构均可。
- 发布请注明标签 :#IALDCHASEDARK#要有光!
● 前50名报名成功并确认最终在社交网站上发图,可以获取IALD大中华2020年度国际照明峰会的门票1张(仅限专业设计机构的设计师及高校学生)
● 前20名报名成功并确认最终在社交网站上发图的设计机构,可以获取IALD大中华2020年度国际照明高峰会的门票3张/家(仅限专业设计机构的设计师)
● The first 50 applicants that successfully sign up and post photos on social networking sites will get a ticket for IALD Greater China 2020 (exclusive to designers of design institutions and college students).
● The first 20 design institutions that successfully sign up and post photos on social networking sites will each get three tickets for IALD Greater China 2020 (exclusive to designers of design institutions).

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