沐鸣高点号注册_MOD穆德设计 | 恒邦双林·见山府
编辑:www.dgjgzx.com 日期:2020-08-12 14:51:05 / 人气:
Located in the portal of Mount Emei, Everbon Jian Shan Mansion occupies the core tourism resources in Mount Emei, surrounded by 1200 mu Exiu Lake and 2200 mu Xiangmu Lake, and accompanied by the planning Wanxiang Wetland and Huaxi Valley, whose interior design of Share Lobby is undertaken by MOD DESIGN.
On the basis of geographical features of Mount Emei, MOD DESIGN is inspired by the terrain features covering multiple ranges of hills, serene stone buddha and so on. Therefore, the designers have designed the Share Lobby into a flexible space with rich layers and stereostructures, not only created areas with varied functions to serve as communication and gathering platforms, such as Reception Area, Lobby Bar, Leisure Area and Hot Spring Sales Area, but also formed diverse living scenes echoing with nature through contemporary techniques, rustic and ethereal.
△ “灰空间”,也称“泛空间”
"Gray Space" is also known as "Fan Space"设计师沿用“灰空间”的过渡之意,以艺术的笔法串联室内外,在连贯性之余塑造空间的丰富层次,在鲜明的主题与朦胧的语素之间,攫取器与物组合、人与物互动、物与空间和融的灵性,融入周边环境的美感之中。
The designer adopts the transition meaning of Gray Space (Transition Room) to connect the indoors and outdoors by virtue of art techniques, and ensure the abundant layers of space beyond the coherence. What’s more, the designer looks for the diverse possibilities on combinations between instruments and objects, interaction between people and objects, flexibilities of objects and space integration, and then blends them into surrounding environment to create a fresh beauty.
MOD DESIGN explores philosophy of lifestyle from aesthetics of modern art. The designers adopt lines and combines materials flexibly to endow the space with artistic conception of returning to nature, giving people delicate and vivid visual feelings by dialoging with nature in the space. There is a question—How to innovate the artistic expression of life? Through nature, abstraction, humanity, and the above poetic combination.
Inspired by nature, the objects in the space including art paintings of landscape, hand-craft bamboo-weaving ornaments, lightings based on fishing net, serve as peculiar embellishments in the form of art. Designed by MOD DESIGN, the space was inundated with yearning for nature and humanity from all the details in the space. The pleasant dwelling near the mountain and lake can soothe you and brighten your mood.
空间的灯饰以Masayuki Tsubota艺术装置的形式实现,线性的语素与水珠状结合,在平衡态中与水的流动性互相应和 ,恍如小小的水滴落在平静的湖面上,“湖镜”的平静被打破,形成视觉上的艺术动感。空间以原木色为主调,点缀以暖橙色,突显木艺与大理石在材质对照上的意趣盎然,赋予空间清谧雅致的格调,直抵人心。
The lighting in the space is realized in the form of Masayuki Tsubota. The linear morpheme is combined with the shape of water drops, which is equivalent to the condition that a small water drop falls into the still lake, so it produces a art dynamic effect in visual. The space gives priority to tone with raw wood color, adorning with warm orange, which highlights the interesting contrast between wood and marble, and gives the space a quiet and elegant style.
Through the creation of living scenes merging with nature, the designers have achieved a space with art tension. A elegant room contains coarse rattan-weaved cabinets, hand-crafted potteries, flower decorations, wooden seats and various ornaments, which has completely presented the beauty of details and endowed carefree artistic conception for the space.
Relying on the contemporary design techniques of MOD DESIGN, the space is connected with poetic nature and picturesque viewing. The art integration between lightness and thickness, coarseness and delicateness, classical and modern has created an extraordinary space in mountains.
项目名称:恒邦双林·见山府 共享大堂
项目地点:四川 乐山
摄 影:一千度视觉
知名全周期设计服务企业,Mod Service Design在商业及地产领域均有杰出贡献。Mod提供与建筑、室内、陈设、整体规划及周边产品的设计服务。2004成立于新加坡,2010年在上海成立联合办公。为中国内地、中国港澳台、东南亚及东北亚客户提供更多便捷服务。
先后荣获2019中国建筑装饰行业最具商业价值设计机构及最具原创设计机构。LookBox Design Awards;CREDAWARD地产设计大奖;Idea-Top 国际空间设计金奖;APDC AWARDS 亚太设计精英邀请赛金奖等殊荣。

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