沐鸣平台:_道胜快讯 | 天水素食餐厅入围英国WI
编辑:www.dgjgzx.com 日期:2020-08-14 14:52:27 / 人气:
英国World Architecture News(世界建筑新闻)是建筑领域全球顶尖出版商,世界建筑新闻网大奖(World Architecture News Awards,简称WAN Awards)是世界上最大的国际建筑奖项之一,至今已成功举办11届。建筑大师扎哈·哈迪德设计事务所设计的作品曾几度获奖。
而旗下的《世界室内新闻》杂志(World Interior News,简称WIN)创办于2010年。WIN设立的国际奖项,面向全球的室内设计师、建筑师及产品设计师征集作品,旨在表彰年度最杰出的设计项目。
World Architecture news (World Architecture News) is the world's top publisher in the field of architecture. The World Architecture News Awards (WAN Awards) is one of the largest international architectural awards in the world, which has been successfully held for 11 times. Architect Zaha Hadid has won several awards for his works.
Its world interior news (win) was founded in 2010.The international award set up by WIN invites entries from interior designers, architects and product designers around the world to recognize the most outstanding design projects of the year.
由道胜所设计的天水蔬食料理餐厅入围2020 WIN AWARDS 的Restaurants and Cafés类别,最终获奖结果将于今年的11月份公布。
The Tianshui Vegetable Restaurant designed by Daosheng has been shortlisted in the restaurants and caf é s category of 2020 Win Awards. The final award results will be announced in November this year.
入围项目在WIN AWARDS 官网展示
The shortlisted projects are displayed on the official website of win awards
Site of Previous Awards Ceremony
入围项目 - 天水蔬食料理餐厅
Shortlisted - Tianshui vegetable Restaurant
Name | 项目名称:
Tianshui Vegetarian Restaurant | 天水蔬食料理餐厅
Area | 项目面积:
300 ㎡
Location | 项目地点:
Guangzhou,Guangdong | 广东广州
Client | 项目业主:
Tianshui Vegetable Food | 天水蔬食料理
Interior Design | 主案设计:
DAOSHENG DESIGN | 广州道胜设计有限公司
Design Director | 设计总监:
YongMing He | 何永明
Design Team | 设计团队:
Photographer | 摄影
Jack Qin | 覃昭量
△荣获美国BEST of YEAR设计大奖

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