沐鸣平台:_必美意大利ARTE BROTTO全面革新品牌LOG
编辑:www.dgjgzx.com 日期:2020-04-18 14:53:23 / 人气:
初心不改 决胜未来
Loyal to ourselves, to the spirit and to the values that distinguish us for over 50 years, we decided to confirm the announcement of two innovations that we have been working for a while, to give a strong signal of optimism and presence. Today new Arte Brotto makes its debut, with a new logo and a new website. We proudly introduce you them.
忠于自己,秉承我们50多年来与众不同的精神和价值观,现在我们决定正式官宣已经努力了一段时间的两项创新,以发出乐观和存在的强烈信号。今天,Arte Brotto带着新的logo和网站首次亮相,我们很自豪地向您介绍他们。
New logo: a natural evolution
Remaining loyal to our origins, we strongly wanted to be consistent with the evolutions that in the past years had distinguished our collections. What we call contemporary ecodesign, furniture and projects where luxury meets the maximum comfort, thanks to the wise and creative use of solid wood, inspire a modern logo, memorable in its essentiality.
忠于我们的血统,我们强烈希望新的改变与过去几年使我们的系列脱颖而出的发展保持一致。我们称之为contemporary ecodesign(当代生态设计系列)。得益于实木的智能和创造性使用,使家具和项目满足最大的舒适度,同时激发出了一个现代的logo,其本质令人难忘。
The word Arte reminds us where we come from, the history of classic furniture, that we helped to write. The Brotto surname is a personal signature, that reminds us that our company is a family with the passion for wood, even before than being a family business.
New website: nature connected
Trees and their ecosystem teach us, first, the value of being connected. So, the origin and precious raw material of our products is the main inspiration for our digital communication.
The new website was designed to be more efficient and user-friendly. It is also an important tool for our (and your) everyday work, because it has even more information and useful contents to help understand what distinguishes Arte Brotto’s furniture and projects from out competitors’, focusing on all the stage and processing that characterizes our production chain.
新网站旨在提高效率和用户友好性。它也是我们(和您)日常工作的重要工具,因为它具有更多的信息和有用的内容,可以帮助您了解Arte Brotto的家具和项目与竞争对手之间的区别,尤其是重点表现我们的生态链专注于所有阶段的加工这个特点。
The other great innovation concerns the presentation of the products: categorized in collections and typology, each of them is fully described and made recognizable by its code. A choice that makes it extremely easy to ask and give information in a right and timely way.另一个重大创新涉及产品的展示方式:按系列和类型进行分类,对它们中的每一个都进行了充分描述并通过其代码得以识别。这样的改变可以非常容易地以正确,及时的方式询问和提供信息。
Finally, we give ample prominence, with the Bespoke and Projects sections, to our ability to create complete and tailor-made enviroments, in dialogue with architects and interior designers: an important business sector, where we can ben strong thanks to the synergy between Arte Brotto and Foglie d’Oro.
最后,通过与建筑师和室内设计师的对话,我们在定制和工程项目中充分强调了我们创建完整和量身定制的环境的能力:得益于Arte Brotto (阿特布鲁托)和Foglie d'Oro(菲列德罗)之间的协同作用,我们这个重要的业务部门可以在其中发挥强大的作用。
Being confident that these two important notices are up to the challenges. To maintain our dialogue and collaboration that we have built up over time, it’s the best way to set the foundation for new successful goals, for you and for us, in the nearest future.
期待您发现不一样的ARTE BROTTO:https://www.artebrotto.it/

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